Client Reviews
Bexley Clinic

“I saw Angelo prior to having IVF and would thoroughly recommend his services! He’s very easy to talk to, professional and friendly. I’d never had acupuncture before so I was a little hesitant, but Angelo really put me at ease and it must have worked as I’m now expecting twins at Christmas!” Claire, Bexley.

“What can I say, Angelo is professional, kind, knowledgeable and amazing! I went to him as he was recommended to me for fertility, I wasn't at all surprised with the knowledge he knew, I am now a very happy mother of twins! I believe Angelo helped me reach my dream and I will be forever grateful! 5 stars.” Becky, Bexley.

“Angelo has been so accommodating and reassuring during my acupuncture sessions - it's a very relaxing and calming experience overall. Thanks so much. I would highly recommend.” Helen, Bexley.

“I started getting Acupuncture from Angelo in Jan 2017. I went to make my sleeping patterns better and to assist in falling pregnant. I fell pregnant in April and my sleep has never been better. Thank you, Angelo!” Natalie, Bexley.

“I finally conceived my baby girl after 6 months of acupuncture and herbs with Angelo. I could not recommend him more highly!” Rebecca, Bexley.

“I started using Angelo 3 years ago to assist me with my fertility. I was trying for 6 years to conceive after numerous failed IVF attempts. I saw Angelo after a few visits and great advice was given and I conceived. I carried on seeing Angelo through my pregnancy and felt great throughout. I have a lovely, healthy 2 year old girl now. I still see Angelo on a regular basis to keep healthy and well.” Linh, Bexley.

“Having acupuncture for my knee was the best thing I could ever have done to ease my pain from arthritis - I cannot thank you enough Angelo.” Teresa, Bexley.

“Great service and perfect location.” Kyra, Bexley.

Julie, Bexley.
Chislehurst Clinic

“Angelo helped me recover from a few things over the last couple of years (lingering pain from burst ovarian cysts and a post viral syndrome that I'd been suffering from for some time). The acupuncture resolved all of my issues and gave me back my energy, and I also continued to have weekly sessions during my pregnancy. I also had a home visit after the birth to help with some issues (felt better almost immediately).
I'm amazed how effective acupuncture is, and Angelo is truly one of the best, so I would recommend him to everyone. He is extremely compassionate and caring, and the results from the acupuncture always speak for themselves. It's money very well spent, and I will return for more acupuncture sessions in the future, as and when the need arises.
Would highly recommend :).” Rebecca, Chislehurst.

“I've been seeing Angelo over the past 4 years for fertility and subsequent pregnancy support. Given less than 5% chance by doctors to conceive we had success twice - 3 years apart and I gave birth to our second miracle boy 3 weeks ago. Angelo's caring and positive style and his expertise made such a big difference. I felt he was with me all the way.” Nat, Chislehurst.

“I saw Angelo regularly whilst undergoing fertility treatment. I believe the acupuncture contributed to my successful treatment and I am now a Mum to twins. I highly recommend Angelo’s treatment. It always relaxed me and helped with any aches and pains and supported my IVF.” Rachel, Chislehurst.

“Cannot recommend Angelo's services enough. He's a fantastic acupuncturist, consultant and in some parts counsellor (without you even realising this at the time). Angelo provided a realistic prognosis, a gentle approach (definitely needed when you have small pins inserted into your skin) but a considerable amount of understanding as well. I truly believe that with his help we were blessed to have our 2nd child.” Diane, Chislehurst.

“Angelo was a blessing. I was not terribly comfortable with the idea of acupuncture after the first time I tried it, but when IVF protocols and circles recommended I take it up, I knew I had to find someone to go to. My friend had raved about him and I began. He was the one constant in a sea of confusion and stress that made everything ok. A quiet and gentle person, he is not a small part of why I was able to get through it all. We now have 3 kids.” Sarah, Chislehurst.

“I had treatment for my 2 pregnancies. Complete success. Excellent professional. I would highly recommend him.” Cecilia, Chislehurst.

“I have used Angelo a number of times. Each has been very effective and has only taken a couple of sessions to put me right again. If I get a pain problem Angelo is my first port of call!” Gordon, Chislehurst.

“I saw Angelo a few years ago for fertility issues and general health concerns. Thanks to Angelo at 44 I conceived a healthy baby boy naturally! He supported the pregnancy and I glowed...Angelo is a wonderful professional and talented acupuncturist... I have moved to Devon and I really miss his treatments and his kindness... He used to fix my back problems and help with heavy menses due to my fibroid. Quite simply whatever you need GO see Angelo!” Sue, Chislehurst.

“Angelo helped me enormously with a digestive problem. He's always so knowledgeable and caring. I return for 'routine maintenance' - highly recommended.” Gail, Chislehurst.

“Highly recommended, thank you so much for all you did for me.” Ayten, Chislehurst.

“I would recommend Angelo without hesitation.” PD, Chislehurst.

“I always enjoyed visiting Angelo at all his practice sites at Chislehurst, Bexley and London and I gained much relief from my back problems.” Duncan, Chislehurst.

“Angelo helped me enormously with my back problem. Highly recommended.” Fred, Chislehurst.

Rebecca, Chislehurst.